Friday 19 May 2023

When we need Driver / Buffer IC ?

 You may need an external driver IC between a microcontroller (MCU) and a sensor in a few situations:

Current or voltage requirements: If the sensor requires a higher current or voltage than what the MCU can provide, an external driver IC can be used to amplify or regulate the signal.

Signal conditioning: If the signal from the sensor needs to be amplified, filtered, or otherwise conditioned before it is processed by the MCU, an external driver IC can be used to perform these functions.

Noise immunity: If the sensor is in a noisy environment and the signal is susceptible to interference, an external driver IC can be used to provide additional noise immunity and improve the overall signal quality.

Distance: If the sensor is located far away from the MCU, an external driver IC can be used to boost the signal strength and ensure reliable communication.

It's important to consider the specific requirements of your sensor and MCU, as well as the desired functionality and performance of your system, to determine whether an external driver IC is necessary and which type would be most suitable for your application.

The Following diagram shows the simplified schematic of a driver ic ,

Example :The SN74LVC1G34 is a high drive CMOS device that can be used as a buffer with a high output drive, such as an LED application. It can produce 24 mA of drive current at 3.3 V making it ideal for driving multiple outputs and good for high speed applications up to 100 MHz. The inputs are 5.5 V tolerant allowing it to translate down to VCC 

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