Friday 30 June 2023

Components lifecycle ,which is preferred for a new design ? Chip Shortage -How to handle it ?

Electronic components go through different lifecycle stages that describe their availability, usage, and market status. The preferred lifecycle stage for a new design depends on several factors, including the design requirements, project timeline, component availability, and risk tolerance. Here's a breakdown of the different lifecycle stages and their suitability for new designs in the upcoming ,


The introduction stage involves newly released components. While these components may offer advanced features or technologies, they may have limited availability, higher costs, and potential risks due to their unproven track record. This stage is suitable for designs that require cutting-edge features or if being an early adopter aligns with the project goals. However, it carries a higher risk of potential design iterations, supply chain challenges, and support limitations.


The growth stage represents components that have gained popularity and wider market adoption. They are readily available, have well-established documentation and support, and often offer good price/performance ratios. This stage is preferred for most new designs as it provides a balance between component availability, stability, and affordability.


Components in the maturity stage are well-established, widely available, and often have optimized production processes. They have a proven track record of reliability and are extensively supported by manufacturers. This stage is a safe choice for new designs where reliability, availability, and long-term support are crucial. However, design differentiation may be limited, as these components are widely used and may not offer the latest technological advancements.


 The decline stage is characterized by decreasing demand for a component due to newer alternatives or changing market requirements. It is generally not preferred for new designs unless there are specific cost-saving considerations, backward compatibility requirements, or a large existing inventory of the component that needs to be utilized. The declining availability and potential obsolescence risks make it a less favorable choice for new designs with a long-term perspective.


 Components in the obsolescence stage are no longer actively produced or supported by manufacturers. They become increasingly difficult to source, and long-term availability and support are not guaranteed. It is generally not recommended to use obsolete components for new designs, as it poses significant risks to the product's lifecycle, repairs, and future scalability.

In summary, the preferred lifecycle stage for a new design typically lies between the growth and maturity stages. These stages offer a balance between component availability, stability, support, and cost. It's important to consider factors such as project requirements, timeline, risk tolerance, and the availability of alternatives when selecting components for a new design. Consulting with component suppliers, manufacturers, or industry experts can also provide valuable insights into the lifecycle stages and suitability of specific components for your design.

Now a day post pandemic also new categories introduces that is Chip Shortage will see the details common procedure will be taken against for the same in the upcoming slides 

If a component that is currently in its lifecycle stage is not available on the market due to a silicon shortage or other supply chain issues, there are several steps a designer can take to address the situation:

Identify the cause and duration of the shortage: 

Understand the specific reasons behind the component shortage and gather information about the expected duration of the supply chain disruption. This can help in assessing the impact on the design and determining the urgency of finding an alternative solution.

Contact the component manufacturer or distributor: 

Reach out to the component manufacturer or distributor directly to gather information about the shortage and any potential alternative solutions they may have available. Inquire about the timeline for component availability and any suggested alternatives they can provide.

Engage with suppliers and industry networks: 

Consult with alternative component suppliers, distributors, or industry networks to explore other sources or channels that may have stock of the required component. They may have access to excess inventory, discontinued components, or refurbished parts that can serve as a temporary solution.

Evaluate alternative components: 

Identify alternative components that have similar specifications, form factor, and electrical characteristics to the unavailable component. Conduct a thorough evaluation of the alternatives to ensure compatibility with the existing design and performance requirements. Consider factors such as pin compatibility, supply chain stability, availability, and long-term support.

Design modification and validation: 

If an alternative component is identified, assess any necessary modifications or adjustments to the design to accommodate the replacement component. This may involve PCB layout changes, component footprint modifications, or circuit adjustments. Validate the modified design through simulations and prototyping to ensure proper functionality and performance.

Supply chain diversification: 

Consider diversifying the supply chain by sourcing components from multiple manufacturers or distributors. This can help mitigate the risk of future supply chain disruptions and provide more flexibility in case of component shortages.

Monitor and plan for component availability:

 Stay updated on the availability of the original component or any new developments regarding the supply chain situation. Plan for potential component availability by coordinating with suppliers, manufacturers, or distributors to secure stock when it becomes available.

It's important to note that the specific actions to take will depend on the unique circumstances of the component shortage and the project requirements. Regular communication with suppliers, maintaining a flexible design approach, and staying informed about the evolving situation are key to successfully managing component shortages from a designer's perspective

And finally all this need to be taken care under the budget allocated for the same concern .This is a temporary issue but it consuming more and more effort now a days .

Data analysis and comparison: 

Analyze the test data from the hardware prototype with the alternate component and compare it to the performance of the original component. Assess if the alternate component meets or exceeds the required specifications and performance criteria.

Documentation and reporting: 

Document all the evaluation results, modifications made, test data, and analysis findings. Prepare a comprehensive report summarizing the alternate component qualification process, including any recommendations or limitations.

Approval and implementation: 

Present the findings and recommendations to the relevant stakeholders, such as project managers, engineering teams, or clients. Seek their approval to proceed with the implementation of the alternate component into the production design.

Production and monitoring: 

After receiving approval, update the production design to incorporate the qualified alternate component. Monitor the production process to ensure the alternate component performs as expected and meets the required standards.

Throughout the process, it is crucial to maintain effective communication and collaboration between the engineering team, suppliers, manufacturers, and other stakeholders involved in the qualification of the alternate component.

Thursday 29 June 2023

What are the Load used during bring-up ?

 During the hardware design validation or bring-up time, various types of loads are commonly used to test and verify the functionality, performance, and reliability of the hardware design. The specific loads employed depend on the nature of the design and the desired tests. Here are some common types of loads used during hardware design validation:

Resistive Loads:

Resistors are often used as simple and adjustable loads to simulate specific current or voltage levels. They can be connected in series or parallel to achieve the desired load conditions.

Electronic Loads:

 Electronic loads are more sophisticated and versatile than resistive loads. They are capable of providing programmable and dynamic loads, allowing for precise control of current, voltage, and power parameters. Electronic loads are commonly used to stress power supplies, batteries, and other power sources.

Power Loads: 

Power loads are specialized devices designed to consume substantial amounts of power. They are used to test the power delivery system, such as power supplies, voltage regulators, and distribution networks. Power loads often dissipate the excess power as heat or convert it into other useful forms, such as charging batteries.

Functional Loads: 

Functional loads simulate the typical operating conditions and scenarios of the hardware design. These loads may include data patterns, communication protocols, input signals, or specific tasks that the hardware is expected to perform. Functional loads help validate the design's performance, functionality, and compatibility with other systems or devices.

Environmental Loads:

 Environmental loads simulate various environmental conditions and stress factors that the hardware may encounter during its operational life. These can include temperature variations, humidity, vibration, shock, electromagnetic interference (EMI), or other external factors that may impact the hardware's performance and reliability.

Compliance Loads:

 Compliance loads are used to verify that the hardware design meets specific industry standards or regulatory requirements. These loads are designed to test the design's conformance to specific electrical, mechanical, thermal, or safety standards.

Real-World Loads: 

In some cases, the hardware design may be tested with actual loads or devices that the system is intended to interact with in real-world scenarios. This can include connecting the design to actual sensors, actuators, motors, or other devices to evaluate the system's behavior and performance in practical applications.

It's important to note that the selection and application of loads during hardware design validation should align with the specific goals, requirements, and specifications of the hardware being tested. The loads used should replicate the anticipated operating conditions as closely as possible to ensure thorough validation and reliable performance of the hardware.

The selection and application of the appropriate loads during hardware design validation depend on the specific goals and requirements of the validation process. It is crucial to consider the intended operating conditions, performance metrics, and industry standards relevant to the hardware design being validated.

Wednesday 28 June 2023

What is resettable fuse and How to select the resettable fuse ?

 A resettable fuse, also known as a PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient) fuse or a polymeric positive temperature coefficient (PPTC) device, is an electronic component used to protect circuits from excessive current. It differs from a traditional fuse in that it can automatically reset itself after the fault condition is removed, whereas a traditional fuse requires replacement once it is blown.

Resettable fuses are made of a polymeric material that exhibits a positive temperature coefficient of resistance. This means that as the current passing through the fuse increases, its resistance also increases. When the current exceeds a certain threshold, the fuse heats up, causing the resistance to rise significantly and limiting the current flow to a safe level.


The selection of a resettable fuse for a design typically involves considering the following factors:

Current rating: 

Determine the maximum current that the fuse needs to handle under normal operating conditions. This value should be chosen to protect the circuit without unnecessarily tripping the fuse during normal operation.

Hold current: 

It refers to the maximum current that the resettable fuse can sustain without tripping. It is important to ensure that the hold current is higher than the normal operating current of the circuit.

Trip current: 

This is the current at which the fuse will trip and limit the current flow. It should be set below the maximum allowable current for the protected circuit.


Consider the response time of the resettable fuse to ensure it trips quickly enough to protect the circuit. This parameter is usually specified by the manufacturer and should be compatible with the circuit's requirements.

Voltage rating: 

Choose a resettable fuse with a voltage rating that is suitable for the circuit's operating voltage.

Environmental considerations:

 Consider factors such as operating temperature range, humidity, and any specific environmental conditions that may affect the performance of the resettable fuse.

Size and package: 

Consider the physical size and package of the resettable fuse, ensuring it fits within the available space in your design and is compatible with the manufacturing and assembly processes.

Ambient temperature:

 Take into account the operating environment temperature range to select a resettable fuse that can withstand those conditions without false tripping or performance degradation.

Packaging and physical dimensions:

 Consider the available space and form factor constraints within the design to choose a resettable fuse that can be easily integrated.

Based on datasheets and guidelines provided by the resettable fuse manufacturers for detailed specifications and selection guidance specific to our application based criteria will be best practice on the fuse selection..

Tuesday 27 June 2023

What are the Details Enriched in a Bill Of Material

BOM stands for "Bill of Materials." It is a comprehensive list of components, parts, and materials required to build a particular product, specifically in the context of printed circuit board (PCB) assembly. The BOM provides detailed information about each item needed to manufacture the PCB, including the component names, quantities, reference designators, manufacturer part numbers, and sometimes additional specifications.

Here are some common details found in a BOM:

1. Part Number: 

A unique identifier assigned to each component for easy identification and ordering.

2. Description: 

A brief description of the component, including its purpose, specifications, and features.

3. Reference Designator:

 A unique label assigned to each component on the PCB to indicate its location and connection points.

4. Quantity: 

The number of each component required for the PCB assembly.

5. Manufacturer: 

The name of the company that produces the component.

6. Manufacturer Part Number:

 The specific part number assigned by the manufacturer for the component.

7. Vendor: 

The name of the company from which the component will be sourced.

8. Vendor Part Number: 

The specific part number assigned by the vendor for the component.

9. Package Type: 

The physical package or housing of the component, such as DIP (Dual Inline Package), SMD (Surface Mount Device), QFN (Quad Flat No-Lead), etc.

10. Component Location: 

The designated location on the PCB where the component is placed.

11. Component Value: 

For passive components like resistors, capacitors, and inductors, the value is specified (e.g., resistance value, capacitance value, inductance value).

12. Footprint: 

The specific layout or pattern on the PCB where the component will be mounted.

13. Assembly Instructions: 

Special instructions or notes related to the assembly process of the component.

14. Lead Time:

 The time required to procure the component from the vendor or manufacturer.

15. Cost:

 The cost associated with each component.

16. Lifecycle Status: 

The current status of the component's availability, such as active, end-of-life (EOL), or obsolete.

17. Alternatives/Substitutes: 

If a component is not available or has become obsolete, alternative or substitute components may be listed.

18. Compliance/Certification:

 Any certifications or compliance standards that the component must meet (e.g., RoHS, UL, CE).

These details help ensure accurate component selection, procurement, assembly, and traceability throughout the PCB manufacturing process.

In addition to electronic components, a BOM (Bill of Materials) may include other types of information related to the overall assembly and manufacturing of the PCB module. Here are some examples:

1. Mechanical Components: 

PCB modules often require mechanical components for mounting, support, or structural purposes. These may include screws, nuts, washers, standoffs, brackets, connectors, headers, sockets, spacers, clips, fasteners, and other hardware.

2. PCB Sub-Assemblies: 

In complex PCB modules, there could be sub-assemblies that are integrated onto the main PCB. These sub-assemblies may have their own BOMs, which are then included in the main BOM. Each sub-assembly would have its own components and details.

3. PCB Layers:

 The BOM may specify the number of layers in the PCB, along with their thickness and material. This information is important for manufacturing and assembly processes.

4. PCB Materials

Details about the type of PCB material used, such as FR-4 (a common fiberglass-reinforced epoxy material), flex PCBs, rigid-flex PCBs, high-frequency materials, and any special requirements for the PCB substrate.

5. PCB Manufacturing Specifications:

 The BOM may include information about specific manufacturing requirements or specifications, such as the PCB thickness, copper weight, surface finish (e.g., HASL, ENIG, OSP), solder mask color, silkscreen details, impedance control, and other fabrication-related parameters.

6. Assembly Instructions: 

Instructions related to the assembly process may be included in the BOM. This can involve guidelines for soldering, mounting, or attaching components, as well as any specific procedures or techniques to follow.

7. Testing and Inspection Requirements:

 If there are specific tests or inspections required for the PCB module, such as functional testing, ICT (In-Circuit Testing), AOI (Automated Optical Inspection), or other quality control measures, these details may be mentioned in the BOM.

8. Packaging and Labeling: 

Information regarding the packaging and labeling requirements for the finished PCB modules, including any specific instructions for packaging, shipping, or labeling for identification purposes.

9. Documentation and Drawings:

 The BOM may reference relevant documentation, drawings, schematics, or other technical documents related to the PCB module assembly

These additional details help ensure that all necessary components, materials, and instructions are provided to successfully manufacture and assemble the PCB Board with respective Module with specific functional software with correct enclosure with the all of the subordination assembly materials .The reason maintaining the all other electronic components inside the BOM to make the traceability to reduced process delay and improved quality .

Monday 26 June 2023

Board bring-up Process Flow

 The board bring-up process refers to the initial steps taken to bring a newly designed or manufactured circuit board to a functional and operational state. It involves verifying the functionality of the board, testing its various components, and ensuring that it operates as intended.

The following Steps are mostly performed during the Bring up ,

Visual Inspection: Perform a visual inspection of the circuit board to check for any obvious manufacturing defects, such as soldering issues, component misplacements, or physical damage.

Power Supply Checks: Ensure that the power supply connections are correct, and the board is receiving the appropriate voltage levels. Check for any shorts or open circuits that could affect the power distribution on the board.

Power-On Test: Power on the board and monitor its power rails and voltages using a multimeter or an oscilloscope. Verify that the power levels are within the expected range and stable.

Clock and Reset Signals: Verify the presence and stability of clock signals and reset signals on the board. These signals are critical for the proper operation of most digital circuits.

Functional Testing: Begin testing the individual components and subsystems on the board. This involves checking the functionality of key components, such as microcontrollers, memory modules, communication interfaces, sensors, or any other critical devices.

I/O Testing: Test the input/output (I/O) interfaces of the board, including serial ports, USB ports, Ethernet ports, or any other relevant interfaces. Verify data transmission and reception as required.

Firmware/Software Loading: If the board has programmable components, load the firmware or software onto them. This can involve flashing the firmware onto microcontrollers or configuring programmable logic devices.

Functional Verification: Perform functional tests to ensure that the board behaves as expected. This may involve running test scripts, executing predefined tasks, or interacting with the board through user interfaces or control software.

Signal Integrity and Performance Testing: Conduct signal integrity tests to verify the quality and integrity of high-speed signals. Use appropriate tools like oscilloscopes or logic analyzers to analyze signal characteristics and timing.

System Integration: If the board is part of a larger system, integrate it with the relevant subsystems or modules. Ensure proper communication and interaction between different components.

Debugging and Issue Resolution: Throughout the board bring-up process, identify and troubleshoot any issues or anomalies. Debugging tools such as JTAG debuggers or logic analyzers can aid in pinpointing problems and resolving them.

Documentation: Document any changes made during the board bring-up process, including modifications, component substitutions, or firmware updates. This documentation will be helpful for future reference and for ensuring consistency during manufacturing.

The board bring-up process may vary depending on the complexity of the board and the specific requirements of the project. It requires careful attention to detail, systematic testing, and thorough documentation to ensure the successful validation and operation of the circuit board.

Sunday 25 June 2023

What are the types of capacitor ? and what are the parameters consider to select the capacitor?

 A capacitor is an electronic component that stores and releases electrical energy. It consists of two conductive plates separated by an insulating material known as the dielectric. When a voltage is applied across the plates, an electric field is formed, and the capacitor stores energy in this field.

Capacitor Symbols:

There are several types of capacitors, each with different characteristics suitable for specific applications.

Ceramic Capacitors: 

These capacitors use a ceramic material as the dielectric. They are small, inexpensive, and suitable for high-frequency applications. They come in different classes, such as C0G, X7R, and Y5V, each with varying temperature coefficients and voltage ratings.

Electrolytic Capacitors: 

Electrolytic capacitors have a higher capacitance value and are polarized, meaning they have a positive and negative terminal. They are commonly used for power supply filtering and energy storage. Aluminum and tantalum are common materials used in electrolytic capacitors.

Film Capacitors: 

Film capacitors use a thin plastic film as the dielectric. They have good stability, low leakage, and high temperature tolerance. Film capacitors are available in different types like polyester, polypropylene, and polycarbonate, each with specific properties suitable for various applications.

Tantalum Capacitors: 

Tantalum capacitors are compact and have a high capacitance-to-volume ratio. They offer stable capacitance over a wide temperature range and are often used in electronic devices with limited space. They are polarized and have low ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance).


Also known as ultracapacitors or electric double-layer capacitors (EDLCs), supercapacitors have extremely high capacitance values. They can store and deliver energy quickly, making them suitable for applications requiring rapid energy transfer or backup power.

When selecting a capacitor for a specific application, consider the following factors:

Capacitance: Choose a capacitor with a capacitance value that meets your circuit requirements. It should store enough charge and provide the desired performance.

Voltage Rating: Ensure the selected capacitor can handle the maximum voltage in your circuit without exceeding its rating. Using a capacitor with a lower voltage rating may result in failure or damage.

Temperature Range: Consider the operating temperature range of your application. Some capacitors have wider temperature tolerances than others, so choose one that can withstand the expected temperature variations.

ESR and ESL: Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) and Equivalent Series Inductance (ESL) are important parameters that affect the capacitor's performance. Lower ESR and ESL values are desirable, especially for applications involving high frequencies.

Size and Package: Capacitors are available in various sizes and packages. Consider the space available on your circuit board or in your application when selecting a capacitor.

Application Requirements: Different capacitor types have specific characteristics suited for particular applications. Consider factors like frequency response, stability, and tolerance to voltage spikes or transients when choosing a capacitor.

Based on the application requirement the capacitor will be selected to the circuit .Some special scenarios the basics rule will be applied on the parameter to select the capacitors value .