Friday 9 June 2023

what is ripple ? how to reduce the ripple noise?

Ripple refers to the small fluctuations or variations in the output voltage or current of a direct current (DC) power supply. It is typically caused by imperfect filtering of the AC voltage or current that is being converted to DC.Ripple refers to the fluctuation or variation in the voltage or current levels of a direct current (DC) power supply. It appears as small, rapid voltage or current fluctuations superimposed on the steady DC output. Ripple is typically caused by the imperfect filtering of the AC component present in the power supply.


Reducing ripple noise is important in electronic systems to ensure stable and reliable operation. Here are a few methods to reduce ripple noise:


 Adding capacitors to the power supply circuit can help reduce ripple noise. Capacitors act as energy storage devices and smooth out voltage variations. They can be placed across the power supply rails, both at the input and output stages, to absorb and filter out the high-frequency components.


Incorporating inductors in the power supply circuit can help reduce ripple noise. Inductors resist changes in current flow and can be used to filter out high-frequency components. Placing an inductor in series with the power supply output can smooth out the variations.

Linear Voltage Regulators: 

Linear voltage regulators are commonly used to reduce ripple noise. They operate by continuously adjusting their output to maintain a constant voltage despite fluctuations in the input. Linear regulators are effective for low-power applications but may not be suitable for high-power or high-efficiency requirements due to their inherent power dissipation.

Switching Voltage Regulators: 

Switching voltage regulators, such as buck or boost converters, are more efficient than linear regulators and can also help reduce ripple noise. They use a switching mechanism to regulate the output voltage, which minimizes power dissipation. Switching regulators are commonly used in applications where high efficiency is required.


Additional passive filtering components, such as inductors and capacitors, can be added to the power supply circuit to reduce ripple noise further. A combination of capacitors and inductors in a filter network can help attenuate both high-frequency and low-frequency ripple components.

Ripple Reduction Technique Suggestion /Best Practices 

Designers should be taken care which methods they use to implement ripple reduction, as these mechanisms can fail if used in the wrong situation.The following table describes some ref of best practices

Conclusion :

It's worth noting that the specific approach to reducing ripple noise depends on the characteristics of the power supply, the desired level of noise reduction, and the constraints of the application. Consulting the datasheets or technical documentation of the power supply components and considering the specific requirements of your system is advisable for optimal results.

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