Monday 10 July 2023

Common MOSFET failure modes ? How to mitigate it ?

Here are some of the most encountered failure modes and strategies to mitigate them:

Electrical Thermal Mechanical failures Here are some of the most encountered failure modes and strategies to mitigate them: Gate-oxide breakdown: This occurs when the voltage applied to the gate exceeds the breakdown voltage of the gate oxide layer, causing permanent damage. To mitigate this failure, it is important to operate the MOSFET within its specified voltage limits and avoid voltage spikes. Additionally, using gate protection devices such as clamping diodes or transient voltage suppressors can limit voltage excursions. Hot carrier injection (HCI): HCI happens when high electric fields near the drain region cause the carriers (electrons or holes) to gain enough energy to be injected into the gate oxide, degrading its quality over time. To mitigate HCI, designers can employ techniques such as channel engineering, adjusting the device geometry, and using process technologies with improved HCI resistance.


This failure mode involves the movement of metal atoms due to high current densities, leading to wire thinning, void formation, and eventual open circuits. Strategies to mitigate electromigration include using wider metal lines, optimizing the layout for current distribution, and selecting materials with higher resistance to electromigration.

Thermal failures: 

MOSFETs can fail due to excessive heat, resulting in increased leakage currents, degraded performance, and even catastrophic breakdown. Strategies to mitigate thermal failures include proper heat sinking, thermal design considerations, using thermal vias and pads, and ensuring adequate airflow or cooling mechanisms.

Overvoltage/Overcurrent stress:

 Subjecting MOSFETs to voltage or current levels beyond their specified ratings can cause breakdown, leading to device failure. To mitigate overvoltage and overcurrent stress, protective circuits such as overvoltage protection (OVP), overcurrent protection (OCP), and surge protection devices can be implemented.

Mechanical failures: 

MOSFETs can be susceptible to mechanical stress, such as excessive bending or pressure, which can result in cracks, delamination, or bond wire failures. Careful handling during assembly and operation, proper packaging, and stress relief techniques can help mitigate mechanical failures.

Gate oxide soft breakdown (GSB):

 GSB occurs when the gate oxide layer temporarily breaks down under high electric fields, causing transient leakage currents. Although GSB does not cause immediate failure, it can degrade MOSFET performance over time. Designers can mitigate GSB by optimizing device parameters, gate oxide thickness, and ensuring proper voltage derating.

It is important to note that different MOSFET technologies and applications may have specific failure modes and mitigation strategies. Understanding the device's datasheet, operating conditions, and adhering to recommended usage guidelines provided by the manufacturer are essential for ensuring long-term reliability and minimizing failure risks.

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