Friday 30 June 2023

Components lifecycle ,which is preferred for a new design ? Chip Shortage -How to handle it ?

Electronic components go through different lifecycle stages that describe their availability, usage, and market status. The preferred lifecycle stage for a new design depends on several factors, including the design requirements, project timeline, component availability, and risk tolerance. Here's a breakdown of the different lifecycle stages and their suitability for new designs in the upcoming ,


The introduction stage involves newly released components. While these components may offer advanced features or technologies, they may have limited availability, higher costs, and potential risks due to their unproven track record. This stage is suitable for designs that require cutting-edge features or if being an early adopter aligns with the project goals. However, it carries a higher risk of potential design iterations, supply chain challenges, and support limitations.


The growth stage represents components that have gained popularity and wider market adoption. They are readily available, have well-established documentation and support, and often offer good price/performance ratios. This stage is preferred for most new designs as it provides a balance between component availability, stability, and affordability.


Components in the maturity stage are well-established, widely available, and often have optimized production processes. They have a proven track record of reliability and are extensively supported by manufacturers. This stage is a safe choice for new designs where reliability, availability, and long-term support are crucial. However, design differentiation may be limited, as these components are widely used and may not offer the latest technological advancements.


 The decline stage is characterized by decreasing demand for a component due to newer alternatives or changing market requirements. It is generally not preferred for new designs unless there are specific cost-saving considerations, backward compatibility requirements, or a large existing inventory of the component that needs to be utilized. The declining availability and potential obsolescence risks make it a less favorable choice for new designs with a long-term perspective.


 Components in the obsolescence stage are no longer actively produced or supported by manufacturers. They become increasingly difficult to source, and long-term availability and support are not guaranteed. It is generally not recommended to use obsolete components for new designs, as it poses significant risks to the product's lifecycle, repairs, and future scalability.

In summary, the preferred lifecycle stage for a new design typically lies between the growth and maturity stages. These stages offer a balance between component availability, stability, support, and cost. It's important to consider factors such as project requirements, timeline, risk tolerance, and the availability of alternatives when selecting components for a new design. Consulting with component suppliers, manufacturers, or industry experts can also provide valuable insights into the lifecycle stages and suitability of specific components for your design.

Now a day post pandemic also new categories introduces that is Chip Shortage will see the details common procedure will be taken against for the same in the upcoming slides 

If a component that is currently in its lifecycle stage is not available on the market due to a silicon shortage or other supply chain issues, there are several steps a designer can take to address the situation:

Identify the cause and duration of the shortage: 

Understand the specific reasons behind the component shortage and gather information about the expected duration of the supply chain disruption. This can help in assessing the impact on the design and determining the urgency of finding an alternative solution.

Contact the component manufacturer or distributor: 

Reach out to the component manufacturer or distributor directly to gather information about the shortage and any potential alternative solutions they may have available. Inquire about the timeline for component availability and any suggested alternatives they can provide.

Engage with suppliers and industry networks: 

Consult with alternative component suppliers, distributors, or industry networks to explore other sources or channels that may have stock of the required component. They may have access to excess inventory, discontinued components, or refurbished parts that can serve as a temporary solution.

Evaluate alternative components: 

Identify alternative components that have similar specifications, form factor, and electrical characteristics to the unavailable component. Conduct a thorough evaluation of the alternatives to ensure compatibility with the existing design and performance requirements. Consider factors such as pin compatibility, supply chain stability, availability, and long-term support.

Design modification and validation: 

If an alternative component is identified, assess any necessary modifications or adjustments to the design to accommodate the replacement component. This may involve PCB layout changes, component footprint modifications, or circuit adjustments. Validate the modified design through simulations and prototyping to ensure proper functionality and performance.

Supply chain diversification: 

Consider diversifying the supply chain by sourcing components from multiple manufacturers or distributors. This can help mitigate the risk of future supply chain disruptions and provide more flexibility in case of component shortages.

Monitor and plan for component availability:

 Stay updated on the availability of the original component or any new developments regarding the supply chain situation. Plan for potential component availability by coordinating with suppliers, manufacturers, or distributors to secure stock when it becomes available.

It's important to note that the specific actions to take will depend on the unique circumstances of the component shortage and the project requirements. Regular communication with suppliers, maintaining a flexible design approach, and staying informed about the evolving situation are key to successfully managing component shortages from a designer's perspective

And finally all this need to be taken care under the budget allocated for the same concern .This is a temporary issue but it consuming more and more effort now a days .

Data analysis and comparison: 

Analyze the test data from the hardware prototype with the alternate component and compare it to the performance of the original component. Assess if the alternate component meets or exceeds the required specifications and performance criteria.

Documentation and reporting: 

Document all the evaluation results, modifications made, test data, and analysis findings. Prepare a comprehensive report summarizing the alternate component qualification process, including any recommendations or limitations.

Approval and implementation: 

Present the findings and recommendations to the relevant stakeholders, such as project managers, engineering teams, or clients. Seek their approval to proceed with the implementation of the alternate component into the production design.

Production and monitoring: 

After receiving approval, update the production design to incorporate the qualified alternate component. Monitor the production process to ensure the alternate component performs as expected and meets the required standards.

Throughout the process, it is crucial to maintain effective communication and collaboration between the engineering team, suppliers, manufacturers, and other stakeholders involved in the qualification of the alternate component.